4th of July Drunk Driving Facts

baby eating food in a high chair

Be careful this July 4th weekend, it is one of the deadliest American holidays due to drunk driving. Click here to see the whole infographic with valuable safety tips. Please share this with your friends and make sure they drive safe this holiday!

Add Tot Squad to your Target Registry

  1. Create your Target registry
  2. Search for Tot Squad and click on the gift card you want to add.
  3. Under 'Add to Cart' add the item to your registry.

Now you will see the Tot Squad gift cards on your registry list

Add to Target Registry

Add Tot Squad to your Amazon Registry

  1. Create your Amazon registry
  2. Search for Tot Squad and click on the gift card you want to add.
    (Currently you can only add physical gift cards to the registry.)
  3. Under 'Add to Cart' add the item to your registry.

Now you will see the Tot Squad gift cards on your registry list

Add to Amazon Registry